Friday, October 22, 2004

Creative writing

I really don't understand my fascination with blogging. I hated creative writing in school. The pressure to fabricate some type of meaningful thought associated with the stock beginning my teacher provided caused me to freeze. Later that evening, dozens of interesting and creative ideas would flash in my head at the most random times. Running suicides, trying to eat green beans, washing my hair....these are the events which framed my spontaneous endings to the beginning. But, it was too late, the assignment was done and I had written some blase finish with the character waking up and it was all a dream. Plus, I cannot spell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I had to be the first to post a comment on your blog. And, as you know, am look forward to seeing what kind of BS...uh...I mean, refelctions you will be posting.
