Monday, January 31, 2005

Family Life

If you want to get out of any commitment, blame it on your family. "I choose to spend time with my kids", "when you die, will you wished you had spent more time at the office?", "Charity begins at home." There are so many more statements tossed around these days to curtail social responsibility. Now before you click "back", disregarding me as some workaholic child-hater, rest assured I love my children. I read to them, change their diapers, etc...., but there is a world outside of the family unit. This world needs those who worry about their own families. Unfortunately, those people best equipped to help children, spurn their duty and turn their entire attention selfishly to their own. Is it fear? Complacency? Disregard? I believe family life is important, but it is not paramount. What better lesson than the action of compassion? What better lesson that giving of oneself to the betterment of the whole? This is not easy and I surely am not the example, but I am trying not let family be my excuse.

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