Sunday, February 20, 2005

Prepackaged Eucharist

Although nothing new, I have really become to agree with Greg Horton's view of the Eucharist. His view is the Eucharist meal is an open table, a meal for which to develop relationships and offer hospitality. So when my wife forwarded this spam from Lifeway, I just had to post the link to the all-in-one, sanitized, convenient, one-stop, double-decker, trademarked Remembrance set communion package for a low, low price of $52.99 (and were not making a dime!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine being the one who develops and sells these little communion packages? Boy is God going to pissed! I can see it now, you enter into the presence of God and he looks at you, has this moment of recognition and then starts to chuckle in a kind of pitiful, sorrowful way. Oh man.