Sunday, August 14, 2005

Gifts from God

With contraception, fertility drugs, in vitro fertilization and a myriad of other technical and social advances, we have moved away from the thought of children as a gift from God. Gifts are not planned or contrived. Gifts are not demanded, nor should they be expected. With respect to those who struggle with infertility, we have made children so very convenient.

As I was driving to work, I listened to Dr. Laura and (I think) Dr. Dobbs discussing the appropriate role of women in society. Like monkeys mating at the zoo, I know I shouldn't watch, but I just could not turn my attention away. In a nutshell, God ordained that women should raise their children, despite careers or education and men should make their money. That's what the Bible says.

God gives children to the world. He gives them so that they can love him and learn to continue to love him. It is not your child. You have no rights to that child. They are all God's children. My child is as much yours, in the end, as is it is mine (that is assuming you have one). For a temporary time, God allows us to feed, love and care for this child, but they will mature and decide how they want to approach God. Our job is not to brainwash our children. God desires love, freely expressed love. Removing them from public school, restricting their education and outlook and suppressing the quest for their own truth, is only temporary. Let them do it while you are there to help. Do not worry if you do it wrong, for they are not yours anyway, God will make sure they have ample opportunity to become his.

Dobbs and company have made a business built on fear. Fear that if you parent improperly, then surely your boy is destined to read Harry Potter, listen to Led Zeppelin or develop a wonderful sense of fashion. God is removed from the equation. It is all you and you better not screw it up. Life is messy (as the Friar is known to say). You are not in control. Depend on God and enjoy the gift he as given you. Just realize it is a gift, not to you, but to the world.


Monk-in-Training said...

In a nutshell, God ordained that women should raise their children, despite careers or education and men should make their money. That's what the Bible says.

I would REALLY like to know just where they get this!

Tofflemire said...

Like so often, if you say anything with conviction, not matter how silly, most people will not bother to worry about the truth, you just have to have faith.

Erin said...

Children are a gift-

but why rob fathers of enjoying God's human creations by putting the emphasis of child-rearing primarily on the mother.

It is a shame to fail to see both parents as vocationally called to their children!

Tofflemire said...

I agree. These dogmatic approaches to the nuclear family are nothing short of harmful. Nevermind, the other ways family exsist and operate, God only wants one version (and 2.4 children). Trying to fix problems by telling someone they did it all wrong is like demanding Burger King to remove the pickles from your hambuger after you ate it, because they did not make it "your way".

Whisky Prajer said...

I'm late to this conversation, but I find these assertions somewhat amusing, as a stay-home dad as well as a bemused and distant observer of Dr. Laura. If memory serves, her husband has given up quite a bit to further the advancement of her career. "Do as I say, not as I do" is quite the booming industry.

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