Friday, March 25, 2005

Sign, Signs everywhere are signs

The modernization of the church is painful. Religion itself is loaded with tradition. Handed down from generation to generation, the way we practice religion may be steeped with tradition more than any other institution. I don't know if at one point someone was pissed because a pastor installed their first microphone (God intended for the Word to be spoken in its natural state, not all hopped up electronically) or if there were protests to addition of cushions on pews (people could become sleepy and comfortable and therefore miss altogether the Holy Spirit working on their heart during the 20 minute alter call!). So the fine line we dance upon is the addition of the new so as to preserve the old. I really am not a fan of marquees on churches. My church has one. I rarely decide to attend because of the clever title to the sermon, my mind is made up long before I arrive. But my mind may be changed after reading the testimonials for the daystar.

"Since the sign was installed, our attendance has increased an average of 22%.... and our finances have increased 19%...enough to pay for the present sign and buy two more."

I guess the goal of all churches to increase membership and revenue can more easily be realized by this flashing and classy sign.

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