Friday, November 26, 2004


There is much healing in the first part of Mark. Why did Jesus do so much of it? Mental illness, chronic disease and handicaps were difficult to explain during this time. I think humans desire control. How does one control something you do not understand? If we don't understand it, we will just demonize it. Blame the person. Or their father. Or their lifestyle. Or their sin. The rich young ruler approached Jesus with a similar problem. His problem though was created by man, himself. Jesus' answer was direct, go fix your own self-created problem. Wealth equals apparent control. Wealth is fleeting, along with control. Looking back at the healing accounts, we see epilepsy, leprosy and schizophrenia. Through the knowledge of medicine we have begun to develop apparent control. Medicine is fleeting, along with control. As our knowledge evolves and expands, the danger is the apparition of increased control, which just may be anti-God.

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