Wednesday, December 22, 2004


I just finished 2 different books on Judas. The first by Kim Paffenroth, is an academic look at various treatments of Judas by society. He groups these treatments into five sections. Judas the Obscure, Arch-Sinner, Villain, Tragic Hero and Penitent. It seems to be quite a comprehensive view of humanity's view of Judas. The second is a biographical novel of the life of Judas by Ken Smith. This portrayal of Judas as the Tragic Hero was an interestingly quick read. Judas is portrayed as a detail man. Jesus had him set things up in the towns they were to visit. He accounted the money, doled it out and paid for those things necessary to carry on a traveling road show. I sometimes worry that I am too much like Judas. Details, planning, details. Someone has to set things up. If I don't then who will?

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