Big 12 and Lent
So I am considering Lent. Actually, I am thinking about giving up something dear to my heart. Beer. I love beer. All kinds. I enjoy most those beers that you cannot see through. Porters and stouts. Only one problem, every year I go to the Big 12 basketball tournament. Can I make a deal with God to allow me 3 days reprieve? Is that legal? Does it really count towards Lent? Its not that I can't give it up then, it just won't be as much fun.
Were I God I would totally (totally) give you reprieve. So I say yes, and remember I am employed by your spiritual community to give you advice and guidance.
Personally, I'm giving up "abstaining" for lent.
I was in town for the last week and wanted to drop by, but I have no idea where your office is. Next time.
Right behind the Book Barn off of McArthur by the Braum's across from OBU. Please stop in sometime and I will buy you lunch a Billy Boy. I'm sure you will enjoy the thier low carb menu.
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